PERSonality tribes seminar
I’m so pleased to share this work with you. Each week we’ll meet for a live discussion session on Sundays at 4pm Pacific, 7pm Eastern. The link to join for the live sessions each week is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89699352118. Prior to meeting live please spend some time with the video lessons for that week. On the second half of this page, you'll find all of the video sessions for the course and the course outline and instructions about how to best use this material.
Archetypal Nature carries on a partially lost Jungian tradition and traces its roots most directly to the deep psychological insight of Antonia "Toni" Wolff. Toni was a close companion of C. G. Jung and one of the earliest Jungian analysts. She was president of the Zurich Psychological Club from 1916 to 1945. In 1934, she gave a lecture entitled Structural Forms of the Feminine Psyche that described the essential dichotomies that we carry forward in our work today (read it here). Others, including Tad and Noreen Guzie, have strongly influenced and contributed this work. For more on the origins and lineage of this work, please see our Roots page.
"It's like you've discovered this big place, like Yosemite or Big Sur . . .
I'm stunned by how much it means to me." – Gavin Frye, MFT, Los Angeles, CA
Gary S. Bobroff, M.A. is the developer and lead facilitator of Archetypal Nature. An international speaker, author and workshop leader, he presents in a visual, accessible and engaging form. He has an undergraduate degree in Philosophy from the University of British Columbia, Canada and an M.A. in Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. You can follow his soulful in-depth Jungian writing on modern questions at GSBobroff.com. Gary is available for private sessions online or on the phone - please see here for more info or to book.
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In your email for the course, you should have received an Archetypal Nature Handbook, an archetype chart, and both personal and impersonal archetype questionnaires. Before beginning the course, you may want to complete the personal archetype questionnaire.
To join with others in dialogue about the work, join the Facebook group here.
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LINK TO JOIN the live session each Sunday at 4pm Pacific:
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Week 1 • Welcome, Introduction
and Self-Reflective Exercises
Week 2 • Personal Archetypes: Mother-Father
Week 3 • Personal Archetypes: Seeker-Companion
Week 4 • Impersonal Archetypes: Warrior-Amazon
Week 5 • Impersonal Archetypes: SAGE-MEDIATRIX
Week 6 • Family / Love & Relationships / Opposites
+ Finding Your Primary Archetypes
Week 7 • Cultural Tensions / Inner work
/ Maturity + More